Class LayerNotes

Represents the Notes of a Layer with helper methods.

import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { fromArrayBuffer, toArrayBuffer } from "@nbsjs/core";

// Read a NBS file named "song.nbs"
const originalFile = readFileSync("song.nbs");
const originalBuffer = new Uint8Array(originalFile).buffer;
const song = fromArrayBuffer(originalBuffer);

// "get" is a getter function and should be cached during these operations
const instruments = song.instruments.get;

for (const layer of song.layers) {
// Every layer
for (const [tick, note] of layer.notes) {
// Every note in the layer
const songInstrument = instruments[note.instrument];
console.log(`Note on layer ${}, tick ${tick}, is a ${}`);

console.log(`The note's key has been increased to ${note.key}`);

// Delete notes above or below the octave limit
if (note.key < 33 || note.key > 57) {

console.log(`There are now ${} notes in this layer.`);

// Done transforming! Write the result to "transformed.nbs"
const exportedBuffer = toArrayBuffer(song);
writeFileSync("transformed.nbs", new Uint8Array(exportedBuffer));






all: ExistingNotes = {}

Tick-note pair of every note in the layer.

This should not be modified directly! Instead, utilize the various helper methods in this class.


  • Iterate each tick-note pair.

    Returns Iterator<[number, Note], any, any>

    This is intended for use in for loops.

    for (const [id, note] in layer.notes) { ... }
  • Create and add a Note to a tick.


    • tick: number

      Tick to set the note at

    • instrument: number

      The ID of the instrument for the note to use.

    • options: NoteOptions = defaultNoteOptions

      Options for the note

    Returns Note

  • Delete a Note at the specified tick.


    • tick: number

      Tick to remove the note from

    Returns void

  • Set an existing Note at the specified tick.


    • tick: number

      Tick to set the note on

    • note: Note

      Note to set on tick

    Returns Note

    Any existing note at the same tick as the added note will be overwritten.

